Guidelines for Authors

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Guidelines for Authors

The submitted manuscript must be the original work of the author without plagiarism. The author should ensure that the submitted article is not being considered for publication anywhere and has not already been published in any other journal. The submitted manuscript if fulfills the basic criteria will be acknowledged and processed further. If the author does not receive the status of the article within 15 days from the date of submission, he/she may inquire by e-mail. Acceptance or rejection would be decided by the editor and the recommendations of associate editor after completing the peer review process. The decision of the editor will be considered final.
Manuscript should contain the section such as, Title, Abstract, Introduction, Main Results, Applications, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and finally References.

How to Format a Manuscript (General Notes)
• Manuscripts must be clearly written in English and should be type written with a font Times New Roman of 12 pt with double line spacing. Manuscript files should be in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, or RTF. LaTeX manuscripts must be submitted as PDFs. Do not format text in multiple columns.
• Length of paper including text, tables and figures, should not exceed 20 pages. Place all tables and figures within the text at the appropriate place. All tables and figures must be properly cited in the text. Each figure and table must have a self-explanatory caption. Also, Number each figure and table in the order in which they appear in the text.
• Do not incorporate any footer or headers in your submission.
• Do not include line numbers.
• Do not include notes, footnotes in the submission if your article contains footnotes then move this information to main text.
• Title of paper must be specific and as concise as possible and written in “Sentence case”.
• Name of author and affiliation should be written below the title.
• The email address of the author must be linked.
• The abstract should not exceed more than 300 words. The abstract should give a clear, concise and informative summary along with the significance of work.
• The author should mention at least 4 to 6 keywords which will be used for indexing purpose.
• The introduction should provide the statement of the study as well as relevant literature and complete background of research work in a clear and concise manner.
• Main Results should be understandable. Author(s) should completely describe all methods, proofs under which research was conducted. All methods and formula equations may be completely narrated and may be referred to original references wherever it is necessary.
• Application section should narrate the applications/examples of the main results. Applications/examples should be supported by the self-explanatory tables and figures which may be cited within text. Applications should be connected to existing results from the literature.
• Conclusion should be given to summarize the results, discuss their implications and future recommendations. It should effectively describe concepts in few lines.
• The author may acknowledge the acquisition of funding, grants, and detail about administrative support or general supervision of the research group.
• Refer to the work of those individuals whose ideas and research motivated your work. All publications cited in the text should be presented in the list of references following the text of the manuscript. All references must be numbered in the order in which they are cited. Authors are responsible for the reliability of the references.
• A citation to a reference in the body of the text is recommended by a bracketed number corresponding to the reference number in the reference section. Example: The word laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation [1].
• A complete reference in APA style should include the name of the author, title of the article or name of the book, and the bibliographic information about the article such as the name of the journal or publisher, year of publication and page numbers (if appropriate). e.g.
Reference to a journal publication:
Authors. (Year of publication). Title of the article. Name of journal, volume: Page numbers.
Edwards, W. M., Shipitalo, M. J. and Dick, W. A. (1993). Factors affecting preferential flow of water and atrazine through earthworm burros under continuous no-till corn. Journal of Environmental Quality, 22:453-457.
Reference to a Book:
Authors. (Year of Publication). Title. Publisher.
Christensen, G. D. (Ed.) (2004). Analytical Chemistry (6th Edition). John Wiley & Sons,
Singapore, pp---.